Blogging Daily

I’ve wanted to blog daily for several years, but I’ve never been able to make it a habit.

My goal, starting today, is to at least spend 30 minutes a day working on blogging for at least 30 days.

Some ideas I have to write about include:

  • Reviewing WordPress plugins
  • Discussing ideas for WordPress projects
  • Giving insight into how I solved something while working on a WordPress project
  • Experiments with Meteorjs
  • Connecting WordPress and Meteor in various ways
  • Bookmarking interesting links for future reference
  • Venting about frustrations at work or in life in general

Ultimately, I’ve learned so much from other people sharing content so freely on the web, and I make my living developing for WordPress, but I hardly spend time actually using WordPress anymore. . .so I think it’s time I start using WordPress again, not just building things for it. And it’s time I stop just consuming other’s knowledge, but start sharing knowledge I’ve acquired.

Here’s to 30-days of blogging for at least 3o minutes. . .that might mean one post a day, maybe more. We’ll see. Hopefully I can make this thing a habit and really start giving back to the community that’s given so much to me.

Posted by Jason Bahl

Software Engineer at Autoattic in Denver, CO. I love problem solving and working with WordPress. I'm the creator and maintainer of WPGraphQL. I'm passionate about Open Source software and the web. When I'm not writing code, you'll find me spending time with my beautiful wife Rachel and my 2 sons Andrew and Blake. I also enjoy playing and watching soccer.

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