Blogging Daily

I’ve wanted to blog daily for several years, but I’ve never been able to make it a habit.
My goal, starting today, is to at least spend 30 minutes a day working on blogging for at least 30 days.
Some ideas I have to write about include:
- Reviewing WordPress plugins
- Discussing ideas for WordPress projects
- Giving insight into how I solved something while working on a WordPress project
- Experiments with Meteorjs
- Connecting WordPress and Meteor in various ways
- Bookmarking interesting links for future reference
- Venting about frustrations at work or in life in general
Ultimately, I’ve learned so much from other people sharing content so freely on the web, and I make my living developing for WordPress, but I hardly spend time actually using WordPress anymore. . .so I think it’s time I start using WordPress again, not just building things for it. And it’s time I stop just consuming other’s knowledge, but start sharing knowledge I’ve acquired.
Here’s to 30-days of blogging for at least 3o minutes. . .that might mean one post a day, maybe more. We’ll see. Hopefully I can make this thing a habit and really start giving back to the community that’s given so much to me.